Ice Cave Trail #608                        

Distance:                  3.6 miles

Difficulty:  (as rated by the US Forest Service)

Hiking - Moderate
Mountain Biking - Difficult
Equestrian - Moderate

Trailhead Parking: Yes, accommodates trailers

Access to Trail:      From the Lakeside Ranger Station, travel south on AZ 260 0.1 mile.  Turn left on Porter Mountain Road, (FR 45) for 1 mile.  The trailhead is on the right.  (about 0.1 mile past the middle school roundabout)

Trail Highlights:      The trail winds its way along Porter Creek and the South side of Scott Reservoir before connecting to the Osprey Connector and the Blue Ridge Trail.  Midway along the trail is the "Ice Cave"
The cave is really a lava tube.  The name "Ice Cave" probably came from the constant flow of cool air (about 52 degrees F) leaving the cave.  The cave is currently fenced off by the USFS for protection and preservation.

Ice Cave Trail
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