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ELK BIG BOYS: These two elk were photographed in the woods behind the Krigbaums' home in Pinetop. Spring 2005
SOURCE: Lynn Krigbaum
WHAT WE DID ON OUR WINTER VACATION: Pat Waits and daughter, Jess, scale Picacho Peak outside of Tucson. Winter 2005
SOURCE: Pat Waits
WHAT WE DID ON OUR WINTER VACATION: This field of poppies is a delightful result of a wonderfully wet season. Photo taken along the trail to Picacho Peak. Spring 2005
SOURCE: Pat Waits
WHAT WE DID ON OUR WINTER VACATION: Kathryn Melsted and daughter, , went to Macchu Pichu in October with a group from NPC. Fall 2005
SOURCE: Kathryn Melsted

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