Juniper Ridge Trail 640

Distance: 6.5 miles - Short Loop                      12.5 miles - Outside Loop

Difficulty: Hiking – Moderate

Mountain Biking – Moderate

Equestrian – Moderate

Trailhead Parking: Limited



Access to Trail: From the Show Low Post Office, travel west on AZ 260 for 11 miles to Farnsworth Ranch Road. Turn left and the trailhead is 2 miles ahead on the left.

Trail Highlights: The short loop takes you on a six and one half-mile hike through some of the area burned out by the Rodeo-Chediski Fire of 2002. The main loop goes for a distance of 12.5 miles and is now signed with blue diamonds. This trail goes past the Lookout Tower and more of the burned area. You will want to watch out for trees blown down on both trails. Both trails also give interesting views of ecological changes caused by the fire.


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