General Crook Connector 640A

Distance: 5.5 miles

Difficulty: Hiking Difficult

Mountain Biking Difficult

Equestrian Difficult

Trailhead Parking: Access from Lewis Canyon Campground off FR 130 or at the gate on Pinedale Ridge Road.

Access to Trail: From the Show Low Post Office, travel west on AZ 260 for 11 miles to Pinedale Road. Turn left and continue past Pinedale Post Office to Lewis Canyon Campground. Or continue on AZ 260 another 3.25 miles and turn left on Pinedale Ridge Road. Travel 3.5 miles on this road to the blue diamond and gate on your left.

Trail Highlights: The trail begins at the lushly forested Lewis Canyon Campground and follows the creek bed. Trail gains and loses elevation regularly, alternating between rocky and forested areas. Although you will be hiking through the 2002 Rodeo burn area, mother nature has begun her rejuvenation process. Later you will come to the 1996 Cottonwood burn area where you can appreciate how time has healed the landscape. Distant views are now visible as a result of sparser vegetation. This trail, though challenging, is rewarding in its diversity.

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